Catalog with Augmented Reality for DicomaPack
DicomaPack, a company with more than 20 years of experience dedicated to the design, manufacture, marketing and supply of industrial machinery for packaging and packing. They are specialized in customized end-of-line solutions for any type of product, sector or market. They focus on improving production processes, providing 100% customized end-of-line solutions that increase productivity, reduce costs and consolidate processes in order to meet customer needs. Thanks to the AR Catalog, DicomaPack has been able to improve the presentation of its machines, achieving a strong sales tool.
The complexity of the machinery manufactured by DicomaPack makes it necessary to have a tool that facilitates sales for its sales representatives. The company's machines are very specific and have large dimensions, so when it comes to presenting them to the customer, they are quite complicated to display. The challenge is to find a tool that allows the presentation of this type of products in a simple and complete way with all the necessary information that potential customers need to know.
Thanks to AR Catalog, DicomaPack has been able to solve their problems. Our solution improves the 2D paper drawings that accompanied the descriptions of their products and allows them to show their machines in 3D with a virtual Augmented Reality catalog. The Dicomapack AR APP is a virtual catalog of their machines and interacts with the company's physical catalog. The use of Augmented Reality through mobile devices brings a great added value to the traditional catalog. It is a powerful sales and marketing tool for the company, sales representatives and distributors.
Augmented Reality (or Augmented Reality, AR) is a technology that allows us to superimpose virtual elements over our vision of reality. Augmented Reality allows us to magnify what our eyes see, using technological devices such as cell phones or tablets. This type of technology helps us to generate experiences that allow us to know in depth our environment in 3D, in real time and in its real dimension.