Innoarea between the VLC Retos winners

We are very happy to announce that we have been selected to carry out 3 projects in the Valencia Activa’s call Retos VLC “Innovative challenges of the productive sectors of the city of Valencia” with which we will work to promote the application of Virtual and Augmented Reality in our city, Valencia!

What are the goals?

The call is aimed at the development of innovation in the Valencian productive sectors. Valencia Activa is an instrument used by the Valencia City Council with the purpose of being able to effectively coordinate the structures of the Valencian community in the economic and employment development. In order to achieve this, innovation is among the first options to which we must resort.

Why Innoarea?

Since our birth here at Innoarea we have been working on technological projects with virtual, augmented and mixed reality. We are sure that we will bring concrete benefits to the development of Valencia as a pole of reference in innovation.

Soon we will give you news about our disruptive projects!

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